Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Interactive Product Placement

Popular items that get a lot of action in the product placement world include all types of cool and innovative technology. You'll see these strategically placed items such as cell phones, computers, and more, within movie and television scenes. Television shows that are well-known for having such product placement items include CSI, Alias, and 24.

Because of all of the ways that potential customers are getting away with not watching commercials through Tivo, websites, video games, and more, marketers are forced to think of new options. There is talk floating around that marketers are looking to create interactive television, where if a viewer sees an actor holding a product, they can click the remote and be able to buy that product. The same thing can happen if the viewer is watching the program on the internet. If they click a certain product, they will be offered a link to purchase the product.

This idea can be related to what Seth Godin said in his speech to Google about making things available for the customer when they want them. CEO of GoldPocket interactive, Scott Newnam, explained his thoughts on the new marketing strategy and the progress of their research: "It's about not making it intrusive. So far, the focus groups are terrific."

Many technology products are constantly being sent to writers, directors, and producers to be used for product placement in the various movies and television shows. With the knowledge that product placement is taking a more interactive role in customers' lives, marketers are fighting hard for the opportunity to make relationships with the important people that can help with promoting their products.

If I find more information on interactive television and product placement, I'll post it.

The article that I read is available at:,67723-0.html

Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Unknown said...