Friday, March 2, 2007

GEICO caveman sitcom

Possibly the most popular advertisements on television right now are the GEICO Caveman ads. The caveman first appeared in 2005, and showed a caveman living in the modern world. In the commercial, the cavemen find the Geico slogan: "So easy, a caveman could do it!" very offensive. The series was born with later commercials developing with story lines of a spokesman apologizing to the caveman. The newest ad features a caveman on one of the moving sidewalks in airports. He passes a GEICO advertisement with that same slogan and gets offended. These commercials have kept consumers and viewers entertained, and increased awareness of the GEICO brand.

Information was released today in Variety, saying that a sitcom is being created for ABC based on the GEICO cavemen characters. The cavemen will be living in Atlanta, and dealing with the modern world like the commercials have shown. The guy who is responsible for the creation of the GEICO cavemen is going to be writing the sitcom.

It's awesome to see a popular character in a commercial become the basis of a new television show. I'm interested to see how popular it will become, and the plot lines for each episode. Hopefully they'll have more information on the sitcom soon, but for now if you want to read up on the article, go to:

1 comment:

Kim Gregson said...

10 points plus 5 for promoting blog

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